And now we briefly present what entertainment awaits tourists after visiting Vilkyškiai "History Incubator"
- 3D animated films "Journey to Tilsit", and a visit of the Queen of Prussia Louise to Klaipeda, Piktupėnai, and Tilsit will be showed. And those who are interested in the history of war will be able to take a closer look at the subtleties of Tilsit's peace talks with the help of these films.
- A historical educational game controlled remotely. The educational goal of the game is to introduce players of all ages to the history of East Prussia and give them the joy of discovery by learning simple but incredible historical facts.
- An interactive "Narrow" wall, with the help of which you can touch "hassle money" with your own hands and after going virtually to the old market of Tilžė, you will have the opportunity to buy the goods you need.
- Information terminal, which provides an opportunity to travel by map and get to know historical places in Western Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region.
- Clever exhibitions representing the history of East Prussia.
- Transforming play and activity spaces.
You can find the "History Incubator" in Vilkyškiai town, J. Bobrovskio St. 31. We will be waiting for you upon arrival:}
Vargonų muzikos festivalis Vilkyškiuose
Tarptautinė muziejų naktis Bitėnuose
Tarptautinis meno pleneras Martyno Jankaus muziejuje Bitėnuose
Kovo 11-oji Pagėgiuose

- The nature trail starts at the Rambynas Regional Park Authority building and continues about 1.5 km to the Bitėnai stork colony.
- Take is equipped with 11 stops, which introduce the flora, fauna, natural phenomena.
- The trail winds between the mainland dunes, opening great views of the Nemunas, the bend of Ragainė, Lake Merguva, Ragainė.